Friday, March 20, 2009

Reading is fundamental

After I was finally able to drag myself away from reading and re-reading the books of the Twilight series, I had the chance to read some food-related books, and I really enjoyed the following:

Heat - Bill Buford
This book is hilarious. I laughed - loudly and often - while reading this book. It mixes food history with real-life experiences and some serious passion for food. It is well written and a quick read.

Kitchen Confidential - Anthony Bourdain
I can't believe it took me so long to read this book. It is insightful, instructional, and full of the sarcastic humor Anthony is known for. I have the updated version, which includes a forward by Anthony addressing the changes in the food industry and his attitide since the book was originally written.

Alice Waters and Chez Panisse - Thomas McNamee
I have to admit - I didn't know much about Alice Waters before I read this book. Though I am a member of the Slow Food Movement, I was unaware of her part in this movement as well as of the history of Chez Panisse. This book outlines all of the above, and it allows the reader a look into the fascinating personal life of Alice Waters. While it focuses on the birth and beginnings of the restaurant, this book is timely in so many ways. Recipes are scattered throughout the book as well.